Title: Kywoo Tycoon 3D printer review, assembly, test prints + PEI sheet installation. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/4DePGjRRJOw
Tags: 3dprint, kywoo, unboxing, review,
Finally, a 3D printer on a review, which does not use V-slot wheels for linear motion. It has linear rods (on Y, Z) and rails (on X axis). Kywoo Tycoon is a direct drive 3D printer with installed auto bed leveling sensor, filament runout sensor, dual Z lead screws connected with timing belt. From mechanical aspect, almost perfect 3D printer in its category. From electrical and software aspect, there is a space for improvement, but more about it in the video. As summary, highly recommended 3D printer, ready to use and there is no need for any upgrades (except PEI sheet, from reason mentioned in video).
About Tycoon 3D printer on Kywoo website:
Kywoo magnetic PEI sheet:
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0:00 Introduction
0:38 Specifications
1:43 Unboxing
3:14 Assembling
9:39 Analysing the printer
13:58 Turn ON, first movements
16:54 Bed on thermal camera
17:15 Inserting the filament
17:41 Auto bed leveling
18:31 Z-Offset
20:24 XYZ cube (printing settings)
22:01 Filament sensor test
23:17 Power off test
25:14 Power consumption
25:40 Adding Tycoon to Cura
27:02 Benchy with side cooling
29:06 Flex filament test
33:47 PEI sheet installation
36:26 Benchy front cooling
39:36 Conclusions
#kywoo #tycoon #3dprinter
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