Title: Flower scentent filaments - kickstarter project by Eryone. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/pA4fZt6FkAY
Tags: 3dprint, eryone, review,
Scentend filament is a kickstarter project by Eryone and it has two types of aromas: 4 fruit scents (green apple, orange, strawberry, mango) and 4 flower scents (rose, tulip, lavender, jasmine). I got four 250g spools from flower scents. In this video first I will test the printability and then the aroma of 3D printed object. To have more scientific approach, my opinion is not enough here, so I asked group of people to rate the aroma.
All STL files used in video can be downloaded from:
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0:00 Introduction
1:27 Spools
3:25 Printability
6:05 Smell test
10:10 Results
12:10 Temperature test
13:26 Conclusions
#eryone #plafilament #3dprinting