Title: eSun eBox vs eBox Lite filament dryer - which one dries better?. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/yuK9r0VKQTE
Tags: 3dprint, esun, filament dryer, review, unboxing,
In this video I am trying to find the answere which filament dryer dries better, the eSun eBox or the eBox Lite. The eBox Lite is the newer version with some improvements but some elements are not built in any more.
eBox Lite is sent to me by eSun for the review:
eBox is sent to me by Banggood (half years ago):
eBox review video: https://youtu.be/KnZw_Jnug54
eBox vs Sunlu comparison video: https://youtu.be/bbfST6_RHYw
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Arduino code and wiring can be downloaded below this text.
0:00 About filament dryers
1:59 Unboxing
3:13 Side by side
4:34 Max spool size
5:00 Display, menu
6:42 Bowden tube
7:13 Drying a sponge
12:02 Results of drying
12:39 Results in graph
13:48 Heating plate temperature
14:39 Conclusions
#esun #ebox #eboxlite #filamentdryer