Title: How fast is Ender 7, the coreXY 3D printer from Creality?. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/FduC1xwy00k
Tags: 3dprint, creality, ender7, review, unboxing,
Creality Ender 7 is CoreXY 3D printer which is advertised as fast machine, able to print up to 250 mm/s. In this video you can see the assembling process, 3D printing, Ultimaker Cura settings for Ender7. In last experiment I tried to measure the printing speed of an object with optimal dimensions for fast 3D printing. Benchy was printed in 54 minutes, but that was only first experiment, there is a lot of space for improving the settings.
Creality3D: https://bit.ly/2UFpqt3
Ender-7: https://bit.ly/3iynN8B
Discount code: 10 % Off For Ender-7: IgorE7
Other used equipment:
Thermal camera UNI-T UTi260B: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/v3KYa6SJiN
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Other Creality videos:
Test object from last experiment can be downloaded below this text.
0:00 Introduction
0:23 Specifications
1:55 About CoreXY
4:32 Unboxing
6:52 Assembling
14:21 Closer look
15:39 Turning ON
16:03 User interface
17:23 First impression
17:51 First homing, Z-limit
19:43 Bed leveling
21:07 Inserting the filament
21:58 First print
25:03 Prusa print time comparison
25:41 Contents of SD card
26:25 Adding Ender7 to Cura
28:31 Benchy speed printing
30:08 Through thermal camera
31:01 Measuring printing speed
32:27 Conclusions
#creality #ender7 #3dprinter