Title: Sequre closed loop stepper motor review. Closed loop stepper motor explained using Arduino. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/f4Qy5MuN_Vg
Tags: arduino, stepper motor, sequre,
Sequre 42 Two Phase Stepper Motor is an affordable closed loop stepper motor with included driver board on it. Regular (open loop) stepper motors are just making steps without any feedback about their position or without information is that step made or not. In the first part of this video a solution is presented, where regular Nema 14 motor is used in combination with incremental rotary encoder connected with timing belt to present one closed loop system. After this solution, it is easier to understand the advantages of this compact product by Sequere.
Products presented in video (not affiliate links)
SEQURE official website: https://sequremall.com/collections/stepper-motor-driver/products/stepper-motor-driver-price
Coupon code: SEQUREMOTOR save 10% OFF (active until Oct 18)
SEQURE aliexpress website: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003250512910.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.1.4ccf372d0Ax8Rz
Rotary encoder I bought here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/173145939999
Nema 14 1.8° 35mm stepper motor (link is not active, where I bought it)
Arduino Uno
A4988 stepper motor driver
12V Power supply
Arduino codes are downloadable below this text.
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0:00 Introduction
0:49 What is closed loop stepper motor?
2:21 Open loop stepper motor with Arduino
4:16 Adding a rotary encoder
5:47 Nema 14+Rotary encoder setup
6:23 About the Sequre stepper motor
6:45 Manual
6:55 Dimensions
7:49 Jumpers
8:22 Calibration
9:36 Wiring
10:31 Testing
11:12 Conclusion
#steppermotor #sequre #arduino