Title: End of 2021, Questions and Answers, summary of 2021. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/MSOMNBqh0Hg
Tags: questions,
It's the last day of 2021, this is small summary of MyTechFun channel and answers to questions I got in comments under my latest post.
Link to mentioned important videos on this channel:
- Creep test: https://youtu.be/88pk2cNOeGE
- Creality filaments part1: https://youtu.be/YI9dcCAQV1A , part 2: https://youtu.be/QBZOp1oNi34
- Big PLA comparison test part 1 and 2:
https://youtu.be/L9tNhfxs9BU and https://youtu.be/Ablfqc3A_uE
- All filament dryer videos: https://www.mytechfun.com/videos/filament_dryer
- Nonoilen filament test: https://youtu.be/qB3tgEEDTyc
- Reinforcing with 3D pen: https://youtu.be/8vhGFtkd0Pw
- Flow rate effect to strength: https://youtu.be/OVThRoApSYQ
- 100% infill vs max number of walls https://youtu.be/6S1qt2wiuIw
- 3d printing multiple objects at once vs single object 3D printing (one-by-one) https://youtu.be/sGPTkcVW5z8
Thank you for following MyTechFun channel.
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