Title: Mingda Magician X - is it a new best 3D printer for beginners? Let's find out... Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/jYPUbrw6wBU
Tags: 3dprint, mingda, review, unboxing,
According to given specifications, the Mingda Magician X may easily became the best 3D printer for beginners. After the review, I can confirm that it is very close to this title, but I always like to give some suggestions to manufacturers, so they improve the product.
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Mentioned in the video:
PolyMaker filaments: https://us.polymaker.com/products/polylite-pla?aff=49
Mingda D2 review video: https://youtu.be/EdAn5-Pc-k4
0:00 Introduction, specifications
1:47 Unboxing
3:28 Assembling
7:57 Overview
12:17 Turning ON, leveling
13:18 Inserting the filament
14:42 3D printing factory code
16:22 Cura Slicer
17:08 Calibration cube printing
17:24 Measuring the noise
18:16 Back to calibration cube
19:09 Benchy
21:49 Stringing test
23:13 Stringing test again
23:36 3D printing TPU
25:09 Conclusions
#mingda #magician-x
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