Title: Ender-3 V2 safety upgrades (ferrules, PSU ventilation holes, mainboard fan, flexible PEI sheet..). Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/GsymnDDAjiE
Tags: 3dprint, ender3, ender3upgrade, creality,
On my workplace we bought new Ender3 V2 and I noticed some improvements vs early versions, but it still needs some safety upgrades. These are not all mandatory changes and if you don't feel comfortable to work with wires you could ask for the help from electrician. The list of upgrades you can find below in contents.
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Used or mentioned in the video:
- Ferrules with crimping tool: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/K3KhUPEVSi
- Ender3V2 review video: https://youtu.be/gyKtsuhO4Uk
- Ender3 V2 on Banggood: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GGvh5E38Rt
- PEI sheet: https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3GKdgv7kzo
- Yellow springs: https://www.banggood.com/...yellow-springs
0:00 Introduction
1:43 Ferrules on hi-current wires
6:14 Mainboard cooling fan
9:35 Thermal runaway protection check
12:02 Ventilation holes on PSU
16:20 Yellow (stronger) springs
17:56 Flexible PEI sheet
20:52 Final thoughts
#creality #ender3v2 #3dprinting
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