Title: Comgo Z1 10W laser engraver by Comgrow - unboxing, assembling, test engravings and cuttings. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/g9Q596AE1yU
Tags: laser engraving, review, unboxing, comgrow,
Comgo Z1 laser engraver with 10W laser module on the test. In this video you can find assembling instructions and also test cuttings and engravings with most popular materials as plywood, black acrylic, stainless steel. 40x20 aluminium extrusion on X axis gives more stability to laser when moving in Y direction resulting less vibrations.
0:00 Introduction, specifications
1:17 Safety
1:32 Unboxing
3:25 Assembling
11:33 Turning ON, setting the focus
11:54 LaserGRBL
12:34 Engraving plywood line image
14:10 Engraving plywood grayscale image
15:22 Cutting plywood
17:39 Cutting acrylic
17:59 Engraving stainless steel
19:03 Engraving stone
19:54 Laser spot square?
20:08 Conclusions
#comgrow #laserengraver #10wlaser
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