Title: A premium 3-in-1 solution: Snapmaker A350ENT - 3D printer, laser engraver and CNC router (part 1). Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/cadSShSGYhQ
Tags: 3dprint, snapmaker, laser engraving,
Snapmaker A350T is a premium solution for those who wants a modular solution for 3D printing, laser engraving and CNC carving. Tested product arrived with enclosure too (A350ENT model), which is useful for all 3 operations (for 3D printing results silent and heated environment, safer laser work and filters the dust during CNC routing)
Snapmaker Official Store: https://bit.ly/3hBZD0t
This video is part 1 (only 3D printing on open printer without enclosure).
In part 2: Spiral mode printing, Enclosure, ABS printing, CNC carving, laser engraving
0:00 Introduction
1:30 Unboxing
3:06 Assembling
5:27 First impressions
6:17 Preparing for 3D printing
9:26 Snapmaker Luban Slicer
10:34 Firmware update
10:55 3D printing calibration cube
11:48 Measuring the noise
12:15 Bed in thermal camera
12:35 Cube printing finished
13:45 Benchy
14:50 Filament runout sensor
15:45 Benchy finished
16:45 Snowflake (filament change)
17:28 Measuring the Backlash
19:18 First thoughts
#snapmaker #3dprinter #cncrouter #laserengraver
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