Two Trees TTS-20 Pro laser engraver and cutter - good for cutting, great for engraving

Title: Two Trees TTS-20 Pro laser engraver and cutter - good for cutting, great for engraving. Watch on youtube:

Tags: 3dprint, twotrees, laser engraving,

Two Trees TTS-20 Pro is a laser engraver and cutter with very small size of the module which produces one of the sharpest engraving lines with diode lasers of strength 20W or above I tested on this channel so far. It is very nice that it arrives with honeycomb grid and air assist pump.
Two Trees TTS-20 Pro Coupon Code:RSKOP
Price after voucher:€529
Two Trees TTS-20 Pro Link:
Engraver Honeycomb Working Link:
ACMER-R10 Link:

Other, mentioned in the video:
Toothpick framing method:
Anodyzed aluminum:
TTS 5W version:

0:00 Introduction
1:51 Unboxing
3:47 Assembling
6:56 Noise
7:18 Software
7:44 Engraving plywood
8:25 Grayscale image
9:04 Cutting 3mm plywood
9:38 Air vs No Air
9:56 Cutting 5mm plywood
10:17 Cutting MDF
10:53 Cutting black acrylic
11:12 Engraving anodyzed aluminum
11:38 Engraving stainless steel
12:31 Conclusions

#laserengraver #twotrees #laserengraving

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