Title: Finally, an enclosed laser engraver: Wainlux K8. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/Iok3y3ge-lI
Tags: laser engraving, wainlux,
K8 is an enclosed laser engraver and cutter by Wainlux. The version I tested has the optical power of 10W. Because of this enclosed structure, we have a limitation with the max working area, which is 130x130 mm. In a separate box I got the air purifier, so this engraver can be used in the room too.
Affiliate links:
Wainlux K8: https://www.wainlux.com/products/wainlux-k8-mini-laser-engraving-machine?ref=MyTechFun
Air purifier: https://www.wainlux.com/products/md22-mini-purifier-for-k8-laser-engraver?ref=MyTechFun
0:00 Introduction
1:33 Unboxing
2:34 Closer look
3:53 Preparing for engraving
5:05 About the software
5:44 Engraving plywood
8:26 Engraving grayscale image
11:45 Engraving LightBurn (plywood)
12:14 Cutting 3mm plywood
13:05 Cutting 3mm MDF wood
14:07 Cutting 3mm black acrylic
14:42 Engraving anodyzed aluminum
15:21 Engraving stanless steel
15:51 Conclusions
#laserengraving #wainlux #laserengraver
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