Title: Ultimate TPU filament test: Extrudr TPU 4x (Hard CF, Hard, Medium, Semi soft). Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/zGSqNH92JqQ
Tags: 3dprint, extrudr, material test, tpu filament,
Test of all 4 Extrudr TPU filaments: - Hard reinforced with carbon fibers (58D), - Flex Hard (58D), - Medium (98A) and - Semi soft (85A).
Extrudr TPU filaments (not affiliate link): https://www.extrudr.com/en/products/catalogue/?material=115
For the CF version I used 0.6mm hardened nozzle it is printed on Prusa MK3S. Other 3 TPU materials were printed on newly assembled Prusa MK4.
I noticed that it is very important to dry the filament (even if it is out of the box), but for this any cheap filament dryer is good enough (I used eSun eBox for this)
Results you can download below this text.
Patreon supporters has access to summary table with all TPU test results included.
0:00 Introduction
1:37 Hard CF 3D printing
6:04 Flex Hard 3D printing
7:52 Medium 3D printing
10:02 Semi soft 3D printing
12:15 Friction test
13:54 Tensile (pulling) test
14:29 Layer adhesion test
14:51 Ring (compression, bending)
15:17 Ring (pulling, bending)
16:13 Washer test
17:49 Creep test
18:27 Temperature test
19:26 Results
22:21 Conclusions
#3dprinting #tpufilament #extrudr