Title: QCAD practice #2 for 2D drawing (and DS Mechanical for 3D). Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/wZuoGrUJz1E
Tags: qcad, designspark mechanical, sziu,
This is another video created for my students where they have to draw this object using offset section (in European order of the view). This tutorial is divided into two parts:
1.) Designing this object in DesignSpark Mechanical starting from 0:31
2.) Drawing this in QCAD, it's popular 2D CAD software, starting at 3:43
If you need more help about installing or starting with QCAD, here is my more detailed video about it:
The axonometric drawing can be downloaded below this text.
List of all videos for my students at Szent Istvan University:
QCAD website:
DesignSpark Mechanical: