Title: Is ASA always stronger than PLA? Sunlu PLA+ 2.0 vs Sunlu ASA. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/O4I8MicA7Ps
Tags: 3dprint,
Sunlu PLA+ 2.0 vs Sunlu ASA, both filaments in orange color. But is it so obvious that ASA technical filament will be stronger in every testing?
Sunlu website (affiliate): https://www.sunlu.com?sca_ref=6072024.hoQfHOudeF
Mentioned in the video:
Filament connector video: https://youtu.be/fxiYIDJ2-CM
ASA density: https://kg-m3.com/material/asa-acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate
Patreon supporters have access to summary table with all previous results.
Results from this video: https://www.mytechfun.com/video/397
0:00 Introduction
1:13 Specs
1:46 Unboxing
2:13 Temperature towers
2:57 Slicer settings
3:12 3D printing test objects
3:37 Shrinking
4:06 Tensile test
4:12 Layer adhesion test
4:41 Shear test
5:03 Twist test
5:29 Impact test
6:14 Temperature test
6:46 Creep test
7:45 Bending test
8:07 Results
10:28 Conclusions
#3dprinting #sunlu #asa #pla #mytechfun