Title: Geeetech PLA vs PETG vs ABS+ and this time all in gray color. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/wCUb_wA_0UM
Tags: 3dprint, material test, geeetech, abs, petg, pla,
Let's compare Geeetech PLA, PETG and ABS+ , three basic 3D printing materials. None of them is perfect, each has it's own advantage and disadvantage.
Product links (not affiliate):
1. https://www.geeetech.com/pla-grey-3d-printer-filament-175mm-1kgroll-p-973.html
2. https://www.geeetech.com/petg-grey-3d-printer-filament-175mm-1kgroll-p-1161.html
3. https://www.geeetech.com/abs-grey-3d-printer-filament-175mm-1kgroll-p-1427.html
4. https://www.geeetech.com/10kg-petg-grey-3d-printer-filament-175mm-1kgroll-p-1521.html
5. https://www.geeetech.com/10kg-pla-grey-3d-printer-filament-175mm-1kgroll-p-1487.html
Results download link (below this text).
Patreon supporters have access to summary table with all results from previous videos. https://www.patreon.com/mytechfun
0:00 Introduction
0:51 Unboxing
2:27 Slicer
3:05 3D printing
3:42 Shrinking
4:19 Tensile test
4:36 Layer adhesion test
4:54 Shear test
5:15 Torque (twist) test
5:42 Bending test
6:10 Temperature test
6:42 Impact test
7:23 Creep test
8:11 Results
11:02 Conclusions
#3dprinting #filament #geeetech