Title: ABS-GF vs ASA-GF by Siraya Tech: Which Filament Performs Better?. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/hxBlspx0V0U
Tags: 3dprint, material test, abs, asa, siraya,
PET-CF filament is significantly stronger compared to PETG-CF filaments. But those carbon fibers helps with printability. As result, we have a great and temperature resistant technical filament.
Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3OVBkrb (affiliate link)
Product page (not affiliate): https://siraya.tech/products/siraya-tech-fibreheart-pet-cf-filament
All test objects are printed on BambuLab X1C. https://shrsl.com/4ef2v
Download Results: Link below this text.
Patreon supporters have access to summary table with all earlier results. https://www.patreon.com/mytechfun
0:00 Introduction
1:31 Unboxing
2:16 Drying
2:40 Settings
2:52 3D printing
3:31 Benchy
3:55 Tensile and layer adhesion
4:26 Shear test
4:54 Twist test
5:22 Temperature test
6:16 Impact test
6:43 Bending test
7:34 Creep test
8:47 Results
9:06 Conclusions
#3dprinting #petcf #siraya