Title: Ender3 V2 Double screw upgrade kit (Dual Z axis upgrade by Creality). Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/9nvQR1OGIq4
Tags: 3dprint, ender3, ender3upgrade, creality,
By default, Ender3 V2 has only one lead screw on Z-axis. Adding another screw will make this printer more reliable on higher printing speeds and make that angle between X and Z axis closer to 90°. Dual Z axis upgrade is almost mandatory if any weight is added to hotend (for example direct drive extruder). This package was sent to me by Banggood for a review. Since Cleality manual is only on one page, I decided to create a detailed assembly and wiring video. You can download this manual below this text:
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0:00 About dual Z axis
2:32 Unboxing
3:33 Assembling
18:29 Wiring
24:25 First test and 3D printing
26:31 Conclusions
#ender3v2 #dualzaxis #ender3upgrade