Title: Creality BLTouch Auto Bed Leveling Sensor for Ender3 V2 3D printer - assembling and firmware edit. Watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/7ZKg5u1pia4
Tags: 3dprint, ender3, ender3upgrade, creality,
Creality BLTouch auto bed leveling sensor can replace the manual bed leveling process. It is much accurate then Z-limit switch and it's reference point is the printing surface in several spots. BL-Touch is high precision intelligent sensor with standard deviation of 0.005 mm. This very light sensor can be mounted next to the moving X-axis. The installing is easy, because it can be directly inserted into dedicated slot on the mother board. It requires firmware update, but this update is available on Creality website.
Since I use edited Marlin firmware (since I need allowed temperatures above 260°C for MicroSwiss all metal hotend), I needed to add BLTouch to that firmware. Teaching Tech instructions are for version where two wires use Z-limit pins on MotherBoard.
Updating the Firmware to allow temperatures above 260°C (starts from 21st minute)
Used in video: BLTouch auto leveling sensor kit on Banggood (affiliate):
Springs and knobs used in video:
Updated info on MyTechFun website:
Other Ender3 video upgrades:
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Teaching Tech firmware tutorial (not 100% for this BLTouch):
Marlin on Github:
Edit, modifications in Marlin Firmware (in configuration.h file), last update to these lines: 2021-03-15:
//in platformio.ini
default_envs = STM32F103RET6_creality
//in Configuration.h:
#define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the probe.
#define BLTOUCH
#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET {-45, -5, 0}
//earlier changes to raise the max temp to 270°C:
#define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_1_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_2_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_3_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_4_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_5_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_6_MAXTEMP 285
#define HEATER_7_MAXTEMP 285
//in Configuration_adv.h:
#define BABYSTEP_ZPROBE_OFFSET // Combine M851 Z and Babystepping
0:00 Introduction to BLTouch
0:55 Bed leveling theory
3:53 Unboxing
4:38 Assembling
5:47 Locking the knob position attempt
7:58 Firmware update (factory)
9:31 BLTouch mounting
11:19 Wiring
13:40 First test auto home
15:03 Z-offset setting
17:08 Prepare the slicer (Cura and Prusa)
17:49 3D printing leveling test object
20:02 First conclusions
21:27 Marlin firmware edit
23:44 Searching X, Y offset
24:36 Compiled firmware update
26:10 Z-offset with custom firmware
28:17 Final conclusions
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